this weekend was a productive one.
we checked 1.5 things off of our fall bucket list & started packing up our apartment for our move next weekend. but packing is long, tedious and boring so let’s move on to the fun fall list.
b and i attended a halloween party at our church. we (mainly i) thought long and hard about our costumes for this weekend. i didn’t want to have to spend too much money but wanted to be creative. i promised on my fall list to create a costume for halloween and so create we must. we shopped around thrift shops and walmart and came up with a magician and his bunny!
yes, i realize he should have worn a top hat so he looked more like a magician and less like hugh hefner and a bunny. we couldn’t find a top hat we liked for the price and decided him being in a tux rather than a robe would be a strong indicator. the guests at the party were split on who we looked more like ha.
i got to hang with some of the cute kids i teach on sunday which was my favorite part.
the .5 point i gave myself was attending a halloween party instead of hosting one. i truly wanted to host a haunted dinner party but with this move happening the day after halloween it just didn’t seem like it was in the cards. i do plan on hosting a house warming party though so maybe that can count toward accomplishing my fall bucket list.
and sundays are for long walks. this charming house in palo alto made me remember why this time of year is so treasured. i can’t wait to truly decorate for the seasons once we have a home. i am already telling b what christmas lights he will need to put up.
how was your weekend?