i’m baaaaack!
what do you think of the new blog set up? there are still a few kinks we are sorting through but would love to hear your feedback!
anyways, let’s move on to the biggest subject in the blogging world right now…FALL.
I adore fall. my love for fall grew when i moved to utah for school and got to experience all four seasons (growing up in southern california you don’t really notice the season change).
i love sweaters, pumpkins, apples, cuddling and costumes. i love brisk nights and warm fires. i love seeing the leaves change colors. i love how it starts off the holiday season.
i decided to create a fall bucketlist this year and hope to check everything off before december. i notice when i have some sort of game plan or list, i always get more things done and have a more memorable season. cheers to fall 2014!
what is on your fall bucket list?