
Hello there, my name is Emily.
I am a twenty something who grew up in Southern California
but, now resides in Silicon Valley with husband, Ben (you can read about that love story here).

I love traveling, good books, sunny days & the perfect chocolate souffle. I believe in love at first date, making memories over things and giving your all in everything you do.
To learn even more about me (like my perfect day and my ideal fictional BFF) go here.

Why Vivre you ask?
I studied French in high school and “vivre” was always my favorite verb. It means “to live”. My class and I used to use “vivre” like the Costa Ricans use “pura vida”, which greatly annoyed my die hard French teacher.
When I decided I wanted to create a lifestyle blog, “vivre” was the first word that came to mind. This little corner of the internet is a spot for me to document my life and things in it (like travel, events, food + fashion) that make me feel alive.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Come along on my adventures. The best is yet to be!

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  • gary oblock

    Nice, location. The photograph would have been a lot better on a day with a blue sky. For your site’s main photo you don’t want have it look dreary like it does.

    • http://www.vivreblog.com Emily

      Hi Gary! Thanks for your feedback. Sometimes those cloudy days are the best times to take pictures because you don’t get such harsh lighting. I really liked how the photos turned out but will keep you sunny suggestion.

    • http://www.vivreblog.com Emily

      Hi Gary! Thanks for your feedback. Sometimes those cloudy days are the best times to shoot because the lighting is not as harsh. I really liked how the photos turned out but will keep your sunny suggestion in mind!

      • gary oblock

        That’s why you need a photographer knowledgeable of outdoor lighting techniques… Using a flash or a reflector can make the light less harsh in addition to improving the exposure (I didn’t mention the exposure issues that shot had.)