weekend recap

you know those people who can instantly make a day fun and happy? that’s what these two do for me.

i have the opportunity of teaching the four year olds at my church on sunday with keri.  it is always the best part of my weekend. i love hearing their crazy stories and feeling their endless energy. one of our darling students will be going to another church and will no longer be able to attend our class on sunday. she is the light of our class. she is everyones friend. she makes me instantly happy with her whispered secrets and contagious smile.
keri and i decided to take her to ice cream as a little send off on saturday. she requested bubblegum flavor so off we went to baskin robbins.  i love this little one and am so happy i was able to teach her and feel of her love.

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isn’t she darling? some kids have old souls and i think she may be one of them. she can connect with people of all ages. we are three peas in a pod (three can happen sometimes right?).

and then there is my darling friend keri that i thank the heavens for. we are so much alike but different. i cherish the days of christmas party planning and co teaching. you may remember she was the friend who got me to participate in our church’s talent show. every girl needs a keri as her friend.

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so saturday was filled with christmas lights, target runs and a girls afternoon with the two best.

for sunday we decided to host an afternoon of games + brunch with three other couples.
can you tell i love hosting? i love the planning that goes into it with the menu and decor. i love opening our home and creating memories. i love strengthening friendships.

and i swear i always forget to take a picture of the yummy food. i guess i am just too excited to start eating! i decided to try two new recipes (one paula deen and one ina) this time around and think one was a hit.  can you guess which one?

yes, ina. always ina. the paula recipe was pretty good but for some reason it has the entree served cold and i think i would have preferred it hot.

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oh and can you believe those flowers up there are made from coffee filters? my sister and her husband made them for me for my birthday a couple years ago and i use them all the time. so pretty and a little less fuss than real flowers. and with us leaving for the holiday, i didn’t want flowers to die while we were gone.

all in all it was a great weekend with great friends and one amazing husband. i love this time of my life. i am soaking up every moment because you never know when things could change (i feel like our lives are ever-changing).