now i don’t mean to jump the gun on christmas. i am a firm believer in holding off till after thanksgiving to give thanksgiving its’ time to shine but i had to share this fun diy anthropologie inspired wreath that is perfect for the holidays.
i have been lusting after this anthropologie wreath for years.
yes, years. i actually pinned this wreath two years ago.
i have been on the hunt for a similar wreath (because this is my most favorite wreath i have ever seen) for a more budget friendly price for two years. wow.
then i finally decided i just had to make it.
and although it may not be exactly the same. i think it is pretty darn close and it kept my wallet (and my husband) happy. total cost of this wreath was about $20.
what you will need:
1 styrofoam wreath from michaels*
lots of thick, fluffy white / cream yarn
hot glue gun + glue
red and white striped ribbon for the bow (or any pattern + color you prefer)
*i have also used dollar store wooden wreaths as a base for homemade wreaths in the past but was at michaels and a styrofoam (over by the floral department usually) wreath did the trick. either will work great.
i started off by wrapping the wreath with the yarn so you did not see the styrofoam. then came the time consuming part — making 30 pom poms. i made them all by hand using this tutorial and decided i would need about 3 different sizes to fill in the wreath.
side note… i just found out there are actual machines you can buy to make pom poms and they look relatively affordable so i think i may have to invest.
so grab a comfy seat and put on your favorite show (mine being gilmore girls) because making 30 poms poms could take 2-3 episodes depending upon how diligent you are. i tend to get a little distracted by lorelai’s one liners.
and see that roll of yarn up there? i liked that kind the best because it was easy to make the pom poms look fully like cotton balls or sheep skin.
after the pom pom creation, i placed them around the wreath and started gluing with my hot glue gun. once everything was firmly glued, i tied a bow and glued that onto my wreath as well.
once completely dry, hang your wreath. unless your door is made of metal like mine (just figured that out and so we need to get something besides a typical nail to hang — any suggestions?). who makes a metal door anyway?
oh and while you are enjoying watching gilmore girls and creating pom poms don’t forget to indulge yourself with some warm hot chocolate! this is hello kitty pink hot chocolate. it is not very rich but satisfies my sweet tooth and my girly need for everything to be cute.