Tag Archives: S’mores

Waffle Cone S’mores

I mentioned in my previous post on Pismo Beach the idea to roast s’mores in waffle cones  for a new twist on the classic campfire dessert. I got a couple responses asking for more details.
Let me explain what I mean a little better….


1. Buy waffle cones (sugar cones could work too depending on your preference) from your local grocery store (if your feeling really daring you could make your own — I am sure it would be that much more delicious).

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2. Fill the cone with mini marshmallows, skor bar crumbles, chocolate chips, peanut butter, banana or strawberries.

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3. Wrap cone in tin foil.

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4. Place on open grill and let it cook for 5-10 minutes.

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5. Remove tin foil and enjoy!

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I learned this method one night when I was volunteering with the cub scouts. I thought it was such a great idea — especially with young kids since it is so much less mess.

What are you favorite ways to cook s’mores?

Linked to: Treat Yo Self