Tuesday in Trader Joe’s : Cookie Butter Ice Cream

 remember when i said i have tried 90% of the desserts at trader joe’s?
well that was no exaggeration.
in fact, b read my post and asked, ” are you sure it is not more like 95%?”
{insert crying emoji here}
oh well i will own it and i will share another top tj (remember we are now calling trader joe’s tj because we see each other once a week and are the best of friends) dessert with you.

now i am sure you all have had cookie butter by now. and if not, well then what rock have you been sleeping under? i love cookie butter as much as the next guy. i think it is an inspired and delectable product. my dad was actually the one who introduced it to me many years ago and now i think it has consistently been in their pantry ever since. i mean a nice scoop of cookie butter does a mind good.

but i am more of a cold dessert lover. and so cookie butter ice cream is like the best of both worlds. it is a vanilla base ice cream with chunky cookie butter swirled in. and for those of you living under a rock, cookie butter almost takes like graham crackers + frosting + butter. so you can imagine what a treat it is to have in ice cream form.

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oh and don’t forget to top your cookie butter ice cream with midnight moo (tj’s substitute for hershey’s syrup but better).

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what are you favorite tj ice creams?

  • http://currenthabits.blogspot.com/ Shae

    It doesn’t get much better than Trader Joe’s. A family I babysit for always has this in the freezer. I’m trying to stay away from sugar, and this makes it incredibly difficult.

    Shae at http://www.currenthabits.com

    • http://www.vivreblog.com Emily

      oh man you have much more self control than me! it has been in my freezer for 3 days and i have had a scoop 2 of 3 days hahah