Tag Archives: trader joe’s

Tuesday in Trader Joe’s : Powerberries

before any kind of road trip, i always hit up tj’s.
i think i learned this from my mother. she always packed the car full of snacks (including her favorite — tj’s popcorn)  because who knows what will be available to you on the road and you want to give yourself healthier options (relevant to a big mac).
so besides a big bag of almonds and some apples, my other go to road trip snack is powerberries.
powerberries are “real fruit juice pieces made with acai, pomegranate, cranberry and blueberry juices and dipped in dark chocolate”. powerberries provide me with vitamin c and a somewhat natural sugar high all at once. the dark chocolate and fruit combo is money and i can’t get enough.

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i know costco has a similar product but can i let you in on a little secret? they are nowhere near as satisfying as powerberries.
why you ask?
because the costco version has various sizes in their bag so you could get a berry as big as a cherry or as small as a raisin. there is no uniformity. their chocolate to berry ratio is all off because of the lack of consistency. and frankly the chocolate is waxy.

what are your favorite road trip snacks?


Tuesday in Trader Joe’s : Toasted Coconut Pancake Mix

i don’t really enjoy grocery shopping.
i borderline dread it if we are being honest.
b usually has to force me to go or else he does the shopping solo.
i hate (1) how grocery stores are always freezing, (2) i never really find everything i need and (3) there are way too many people.

but i do enjoy going to trader joe’s.
i know i know, i am a walking contradiction.
trader joe’s is where i will happily go. i like perusing their aisles for new things to try. i like the friendly neighborhood grocery atmosphere. i LOVE the food.
i know there are a lot of trader joe’s enthusiasts out there so i have decided to have a weekly post about my favorite trader joe’s products. each week, one new item will be reviewed until we sample the whole store (or we get over trader joe’s).

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a couple of weeks ago, i tried the toasted coconut pancake mix on a whim and i am completely sold. but i am an advocate of adding coconut to most things.

there is shredded toasted coconut in every bite of these pancakes. all you need is some macadamia nut or coconut syrup and i would feel as if i were transported back to hawaii.
let it be known, i usually make homemade pancakes (like we are talking 99% of the time). i am no fan of bisquick, aunt jemima, krusteaz, etc. because really people? pancake mix is not hard to make. and so that is why it was so weird that i not only tried this mix but thoroughly enjoyed it. i think because it had the extra dimension of toasted coconut.
another bonus?
all you have to do is add water. so yes you could make pancakes in less than 2 min. i guess this means these pancakes are vegan approved too? so win win on all accounts.

oh and just like i am not into aunt jemima pancake mix, i detest (i know strong word) aunt jemima syrup (and all other fake syrups). please please use pure maple syrup on your breakfast entrees. it makes a world of difference. it is a thinner consistency and has more flavor, which means you use less on each serving. i know it is a little pricier but i swear it is so worth it.

what are some of your favorite items at trader joe’s?