Tag Archives: Las Vegas; Vivre Blog’s Las Vegas Goody Bag; Corporate Event

Prep for Sin City

This week, I have Vegas on the brain. Maybe because I already feel like I am in need of another vacation with amazing restaurants or maybe because the weather is just perfect there right now (love that dry heat). Or maybe its because I love how you can stay in a 5 star hotel for the price of a 3 star hotel! Oh Vegas, I do adore you.

Part of my job is to create and coordinate corporate events. A little while ago, I had the opportunity to create a Vegas getaway in honor of March Madness. There wasn’t a ton to coordinate since Vegas already offers the basics of a March Madness trip — sun, gambling + sports bars.  But, I did have fun creating a welcome bag and  hand delivering them to each guest prior to their departure.

goody bagThe welcome bag included:

Travel size sunscreen – so everyone was properly protected while lounging
Advil – For the never ending hangovers that always seem to happen in Vegas
Gum – I believe a necessity while traveling anywhere
Visa Gift Card – for cab fare to/from hotels
Iced Coffee Mix – You always need a caffeine kick for a Vegas getaway
Aluminum Water Bottle – For keeping your beverage of choice at the perfect temperature

What are your Vegas necessities? 

Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for a full 36 hour guide to Las Vegas!