my birthday has always been an exciting yet dreadful day for me.
you see, i don’t do well with anticipating change and turning another year older. although one birthday doesn’t really change anything physically or day to day it does change in my heart. i have peter pan syndrome i suppose. not the part where i don’t take on responsibility and don’t act my age, but the thought of growing up really scares me. i have always been this way.
i cried on my 18th birthday because i was now legal and graduated from high school.
i cried on my 19th birthday because i was a year past being legal (very dramatic, i know).
i cried on my 20th birthday because i was no longer a teenager.
i cried on my 21st birthday because the next really big birthday after that would be 30 (yikes).
i cried on my 23rd birthday because i could no longer sing along to t swift’s song and feel in sync with her emotions. blink 182 also told me that no one likes me when i’m 23.
basically i am a huge cry baby and incredibly sentimental. you can thank my mother for these traits. she assured me she cried on all these birthdays for the very same reason. i am my mother’s daughter no doubt.
when i say i cry it is usually at the very beginning or end of my day because it hits me that i am another year older. i thoroughly enjoy my day and celebrate it to the fullest, but then when i start thinking more deeply about age that’s when the water works start happening.
i grew up with 3 sisters. give me a break. i wear my emotions on my sleeve.
this birthday (which is sunday ahh), i have decided to try and turn a new leaf. i will remember all the fond memories that this past year brought and i will also look forward to what this new year will bring. the future is exciting and bright. i need to remember to keep looking forward.
this year, we are headed down to palm springs to celebrate with my family. i have spent many birthdays in this beautiful desert and can’t wait to take a trip down memory lane. it will be a great weekend filled with game nights, brunching, pool days and niece/nephew cuddle sessions. friday can’t come soon enough.
i haven’t been to palm springs for a number of years so if you have some must eats or must see places please do send them my way! i am already planning on brunch at the iconic parker hotel and a date shake at hadley’s fruit orchard.
what do you love most about your birthday?